Gradsko takmičenje: Informatika
Na gradskom takmičenju iz informatike za učenike osnovnih škola, koje je održano 11.03.2020. godine u JU OŠ “Harmani II” našu školu predstavljala su tri učenika devetog razreda.
A crucial point to bear in mind when writing a critical article is the fact the performer has to be given value. Your thesis statement should communicate to your own reader precisely what the document is focused on, and in addition help guide your writing. The aim of composing this kind of composition may be to inquire and investigate by essay writer. A pupil may also include descriptive particulars in their own composition.
Composition writing is an unusual art. A reflective article is only a literary composition that is generally composed by pupils within a British course. Composing an article is really not a hard job once you understand the structure nicely. There are plenty of unique topics that one can utilize in writing process essays.
Ostvareni su sljedeći rezultati:
- Jusuf Mašić, 1. mjesto
- Nail Mašić, 2. mjesto
- Ajla Handanović, 6. mjesto
Čestitamo našim učenicima na odličnom uspjehu, te im želimo puno sreće i uspjeha na kantonalnom takmičenju.